seed germination

Wetting the seeds is a good way to increase the percentage of germinating seeds and increase the speed of germination. There are several ways to germinate by wetting, in one way or another they are similar to each other, here are the two main, most popular “Towel Method” (one of the variations of Sanchez actually) and “Normal Wetting” (wetting in a cup or some similar container), both give the same good result if the hands grow from where they should (the spine appears in about a day).

Regardless of which method you choose, keep the seeds in a dark, warm area for best results. As soon as the root appears, the seeds can be planted.

1.Towel Method:

What we need: cotton towel (at least 2 pieces), 2 saucers, warm water, straight arms.


We put the seeds between two wet towels placed on a saucer.

It is advisable to use water slightly warmer than room temperature (to correct for heat loss), then place a second saucer on top (to reduce the cooling of the medium and protect the seeds from light).

It is advisable to use more than two pieces of towels, just like using warmer water.

Caution: It is VERY IMPORTANT that the seeds be removed from the saucer and planted as soon as the white root appears, otherwise it will be damaged, which will slow growth and be stressful (which we really do not need because of the risk of germs or men).

2. Conventional Wetting:

What we need: a cup (a container that retains heat well – for example, a ceramic coffee mug), a saucer (enough to cover on top), warm water.So:

Place the seeds in a bowl of warm water. I used a ceramic mug and covered it with a ceramic saucer to keep the heat in (and of course block out the light)

It is best to use water warmer than the environment again. It’s okay if the seeds float on the surface, just give them time to get wet, then (if you need to crack the shell a little) they start to sink (in favorable conditions, the best seeds will go to the very bottom). Seeds should be wetted only until the root appears.


Both of these methods work effectively only in combination with straight arms. Most seeds will show roots in 24 hours, all in 48 hours (assuming you use good quality seeds).

For those who grow in soil:

Put your seed in the soil not deep, 1-2 cm deep. The sprout should break through to the surface in 24 hours, or 48 for most (again, if you use quality seeds, otherwise it may take another day or two). As soon as the sprout appears, you can fertilize the soil at the base of the stem for better nutrition and protection of the roots.

And another method is protection from crooked hands.

Take a container of half a liter. Fill it with water and add a drop of epin and a few more drops of some hormone to stimulate growth. Shake container vigorously for 5 minutes to mix and aerate. Put the seeds there, all the seeds should float for 1-3 hours, and then go to the bottom. If not everyone drowned, shake the container slightly and place in a warm place (about 25-30C). Check seeds every 3-6 hours.As soon as white roots appear, place the seeds in moist soil to a depth of 1 cm or so. Place the container with the seeds in a plastic bag, maintaining the required humidity and temperature at 25-30C. As soon as the sprouts germinate and appear on the surface, remove the container from the bag and place it under the lamp in the box or somewhere else.

and another way:

Publication of the translation agreed with the author

There may be errors in the translation, I will be glad to correct them and your comments / remarks

Comment: Worth mentioning is the “drop the seed into the ground” method which works great for many growers and I think is best suited for beginners due to its simplicity. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Water the intended seed planting site with water. It doesn’t need to be filled in. Enough of an imaginary circle with a diameter of 5 cm.
  2. Make a depression in the damp earth about the depth of a pinky nail.
  3. Put the seed in the recess and sprinkle with earth. (Note: Some growers hold the seed under their lower lip during the first two steps. It is believed that the alkaline environment helps the seed open, but I have not heard of evidence)
  4. Pour water over the landing site.
  5. Cover the planting site with a film to create the effect of a greenhouse and protect the sprout from drying out. The film in which products are packed is perfect.
  6. Put your pot or glass or whatever you planted the seed in under the lamp. An ordinary incandescent table lamp is ideal.

That’s all. Using this method (with a chip from the 3rd point))) personally, all the seeds germinated for me within 5 days.



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