The drying area should be dark, well ventilated with fans, the temperature should be a little over twenty degrees, the humidity should be 50-60%, use a dehumidifier if necessary. The bud will smoke softer if the moisture comes out of it for about a week, accelerated drying will worsen the taste and quality of burning.
After drying, any variety will benefit from a slow cure. As a result of curing, atmospheric oxygen converts cannabinoids and terpenes into more valuable compounds. When the crop is so dry that a crunch is heard when the stems are bent, it is placed in an airtight glass container. Once the oxygen inside is used up, the process stops.
Banks should be opened and ventilated once or twice every 24 hours. If you smoke buds immediately after drying, that’s nothing compared to what you get after a good slow drying and curing. Buds must be kept dry, moisture must not be released from the inner stems, they must be stored out of direct light, and the ambient temperature and humidity must be comfortable for the person. I usually seal and refrigerate the product after three weeks, but sometimes extend the curing time to five weeks if some improvement is needed. Before the time, no cones should be smoked.
Peeling the skins off the stems to speed up drying
Removing the skin from the stems can greatly reduce the drying time. On the first day of drying, I usually cut off all the burdocks, and cut the main stem with a sharp knife. Scraping the stem exposes the inside of the stem to the air, reducing drying time by 20%.You can perform this ritual daily for five days until everything is completely dry.
Speed drying buds
Attention: the shrinkage methods below are used only when the issue of time is really crucial for you. Normally dried and cured buds certainly stick out better than unripe buds straight from the bush, vulcanized with the express method. In general, the best way to smoke a fresh bud is a vaporizer, but not everyone has the means and the desire to buy/make this device.
Many people are familiar with the situation when the stocks of ganjubas in the house suddenly came to an end, they want to smoke, and in boxing a rich harvest has almost ripened. If you do not have a vaporizer, the express drying methods described below will help you get out of the crisis and not lose face.
Drying in the oven.
“It will do” – that’s actually all I can say about this method. Well, in principle, you can smoke a pipe dried in the oven. And the taste and strength of the pipe will be frankly crap, but still the joint will smoke, and the smoke from the joint will enter your lungs. If you don’t need anything else, then this simple method will suit you. The most important thing here is not to overdry, because, believe me, overdried hemp will not give a good income.
Microwave (MW).
If you turn on the microwave not at full power, but somewhere around 40–50%, then it’s normal. The taste, however, will be shitty, and in terms of elasticity, the pipe from the microwave loses to air-dried grass.To avoid overdrying, try this: turn on the microwave for 5–10 seconds, then check the condition of the ganja, then another 5–10 seconds in the microwave, and so on until done.
Steam drying method in microwave.
A new word in the speed drying of ganjubas. An acceptable result is achieved fairly quickly. The trichomes on the buds do not burst, and the taste, although not great, is already smoking. In this method, the pipe is cleverly dried with water vapor.
You will need:
Microwave-safe bowl with lid.
Buds freshly cut from the bush (buds should be cut into pieces – do not cut them into dust, just cut them into small pieces).
3 paper towels.
Microwave with power regulator.
First, cut off 1/4 of the paper towel and lay it on the bottom of the bowl. Place crushed in a bowl. Then take 2 paper towels, fold them several times and wet them, and then wring them out well. The towels need to be damp but not dripping. Cover the top of the bowl with wet towels carefully and carefully. Now tightly cover the bowl with a lid, and leave a small gap so that the steam still comes out. Now all this design can be put in the microwave.
The power regulator should be set somewhere around 40-50%. (I advise exactly 40% – several times I dried at full power, and it turned out the devil.) Turn on the stove for 1 minute and you can smoke for now. Then: remove the bowl from the microwave and wait 15-20 seconds for the steam to come out. If the towel at the bottom of the bowl (the one with the cones) gets wet, replace it with a dry one. If the towels on top are dry, take them out, wet them, squeeze them out and put them back, and do not forget to cover everything again with a lid.
Turn on the microwave for another minute, again at 40-50%. The entire drying process will require from 3 to 5 inclusions.
This is the best drying method if you suddenly need ganja urgently.
Drying on the throttle.
Cut the buds from the bush and put them in the envelope, try to evenly distribute the buds throughout the envelope. Close the envelope and put it on the choke, and the choke must be external, the internal choke is too hot. I usually kept the bumps on the throttle for about 2-3 hours, and, as far as I remember, I either overdryed or underdryed all the time.Now I can say that it’s still better to dry it a little, because then the cones can be put in an airtight container, and they will suck moisture from their twigs.
For express drying, the taste is not the worst, and sticks out pretty well.
The author’s method of drying on a grill oven.
Turn the stove on to the lowest setting. Take a pipe and grind it – everything is the same as in the steam drying method. Pour the pipe on a baking sheet from your stove. Then put the baking sheet on the stove, exactly ON the stove, NOT INSIDE. Stir the ganja every 5 minutes. Usually drying takes as much as 20-30 minutes, but it’s worth the wait. The taste of the dried pipe will not be the softest, but the arrival is strong, courageous, and the trichomes do not crumble. I like this method of drying, I often use it myself, and the results suit me.
Drying “under the sofa”
And finally, the best way to dry, and at the same time the longest and strangest. Take a few freshly cut buds and put them in a clean ashtray. It is worth fooling around in the evening if you are going to smoke in the morning. Put a pipe to any source of warm air – a computer, monitor, and, in general, any electronics with a cooling fan will do.
I personally just put a pipe under the sofa – I have a sofa right above the ventilation, it’s about 85 F-degrees (30 C-degrees), and everything dries perfectly in 8 hours.
Drying in the car
Take the cones, put them in an envelope. Glue the envelope to the glass of your car (you need a sunny day). When dry, smoke – it’s very simple.
Drying on a lamp with foil
How to quickly dry dope? Break the cones and lay them out on a piece of foil 5×5 cm. Take the foil and put it on the light bulb (but not on your HPS! 60-80W will do). Flip the pipe every 30 seconds. Drying will take 1 to 3 minutes. As a result, the cones have dried out, and your microwave or oven does not goggle.
Drying in a water bath
In my opinion, this is the best method for express drying buds.
Step 1. Tear off the cones from the bush, cut them into medium-sized pieces, and spread them evenly on a plate.
Step 2. Take a saucepan, fill it 1/3 with water, put it on low heat and wait until the water boils.
Step 3. Place a plate with a pipe on top of the pan. The steam from the pot will heat the bottom of the plate and the ganja will gradually dry out. The drying process of an average amount of dope takes about half an hour. When you remove the pipe from the pot, be careful that the steam from the pot doesn’t burn your hands or wet the buds.
Drying with absorbents
Chop the buds into small pieces and place them in a small jar. Place a few packets of moisture-absorbing silica gel into the jar and seal the jar with a lid. The absorbent will draw the moisture out of the buds. The less air in the can, the better the method works.
Express drying in a toaster
I have tried all the quick drying methods listed above. The conclusions are as follows: if the method is fast, then the pipe is of poor quality; in other methods, the pipe turns out to be normal, but you can’t call it quick drying (for me, quick drying is no more than half an hour).
I have developed a new, most convenient, fast and gentle technology of express drying with the help of a technical product that everyone is sure to have – a fun glorious TOASTER!
We turn on the toaster for low heat (on my toaster, these are divisions 1–3). The essence of the method is to heat the bud just enough so that the water evaporates and the THC remains. It will be insulting and painful if the trichomes suddenly burst, or, God forbid, the bumps burn out. Therefore, weak heating is just what we need.
My method uses a piece of foil about 4×4 inches (10×10 cm). We take small cones, the thickness and length of your thumb, no more, and put them on the foil. Be sure to make a recess in the foil and put a pipe in it and wrap it so that the foil covers the cone from below, from the sides and partly from above. There must be a hole on top, otherwise the water will not evaporate. Do not press the foil too tightly against the cone, otherwise it will burn. Personally, I use the new non-stick foil, although this is already bells and whistles.
We put the foil on the toaster, so that the protrusion with the pipe is in the toaster at a depth of 2–2.5 cm, and the edges of the foil hold on to the toaster. Seal the edges well so that the foil does not fall into the toaster.
Turn on the toaster. Let it work for a couple of minutes, then it will automatically turn off and cool down. The heat from the toaster spirals will be transferred to the foil, and the pipe will dry out a little, and with such heating, the trichomes on the bumps will not burst or burn. Wait for the toaster to cool down a bit, then turn it on again. I turn on the unit every 4–5 minutes, and after 2–3 passes I unfold the foil and turn the pipe over. After half an hour, your marijuana is dried and ready to eat. The smaller the bumps, the faster the process.
For best results, increase the toaster interval to 10 minutes, this will distribute the heat in the foil most evenly, but the drying process will take about an hour. In this case, the cone will dry more evenly (in a quick version, traces of moisture may remain inside large cones).
When using this method, up to 80-90% of the elasticity is preserved, where 100% is a normally dried (uncured) cone. The main thing here is, of course, not to overdry and not burn.
Drying over a gas stove.
I usually use this method to dry fresh leaves. We take fresh leaves and chop them with scissors into “dust” (it turns out a sort of children’s “porridge-malash”). We light the burner. We pour raw “dust” onto a white sheet of paper. It is advisable to slightly bend the edges of the sheet so that nothing accidentally wakes up. We place a paper sheet over the burner at a height of 10-20 cm and for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly, drive this sheet over the fire. The taste, of course, will be disgusting, but it’s not the taste that matters to us, but the arrival.
A word of advice: as you know, drying is part of the production cycle to activate the THC in the trichomes. Smoking raw dope is useless, because it does not stretch well and the income from it is weak (especially if you are already a smoked amigo). Dry the pipe for at least 20-30 minutes, make sure that the outside of the cone is really dry both inside and out. If you hurry with drying, you won’t make people laugh!
What to do with dried buds
Adding moisture to dry, crunchy buds is easy. All you need is an airtight container (a ziplock or a liter jar works best), fresh leaves, and time, about a day.
1. Place overdried buds in a ziplock or quart jar.
2. Add some freshly cut leaves (fresh branches will work just as well) to your jar or bag. I use 3-5 leaves per half jar. Start with a few leaves; add more if needed. Leaves will become dry and shriveled as they give up their moisture.
3. If fresh leaves are not available, a small piece of lettuce or an apple/orange/potato wedge may also be used.A paper towel with a few drops of water also works.
Leave the ziplock on for a day. How long this takes depends on the number of buds and how dry they are. Perhaps after 5 hours you will get the desired result.
Check your container at least once a day. When the buds are done, they will have a nice, soft texture and won’t be crunchy or brittle. They even smell better!
P.S. If you want to hydrate more buds, just use more raw material. If you want, you can divide the bumps by size.
Turn the buds once a day to mix them. Check for any mold. The process may take 1-3 days.