There are several reasons why your plants develop brown tips on their leaves that look like they have been dried or burned. These problems are often easy to fix.
Brown, dry tips on leaves can be caused by chemicals in tap water, flooding or overdrying of the earthen ball, pests, dry air, or excessive fertilization.
Irrigation with tap water
The most common cause of drying tips in plants is watering with tap water. Such water differs from the water used by professional flower growers in greenhouses and gardens, as it does not contain chlorine and fluorine. These chemicals can rise from the roots to the leaves, causing burns.
Solution: fill the container with tap water and leave for a day so that the chemicals evaporate during this time.
Bay or drying of an earthen coma
Brown leaf tips can also indicate that the plant is getting too much or too little water. Over-watering causes root rot which progresses to leaf rot. Overdrying an earthen coma leads to drying of the plant.
Solution: The pot with the plant should have drainage holes that prevent stagnation of water in the pot and, as a result, rotting of the roots. It is also helpful to use a soil moisture meter each time before watering to determine how much water the plant needs.
There are many pests that attack plants. If the plant is infested with pests, the tips of the leaves may turn brown.
Solution: The best defense against pests is prevention.Before reusing pots, wash them thoroughly, use clean potting soil for planting, or roast garden potting soil in the oven. Here are a few more pest control measures:
-Isolate new plants for a month and inspect the plant thoroughly for any defects or signs of insect infestation before placing new plants with the rest.
– Wipe plant leaves weekly with a damp soft cloth or soapy water if there are pests.
Dry air
Cannabis varieties that naturally grow in regions with high humidity may have problems in dry conditions. Over-watering in this case will only worsen the situation, as it can cause root rot, resulting in less water reaching the leaves.
Solution: In case dry air is caused by climatic conditions or heating during the autumn-winter period, use a humidifier. Spraying plants with a spray bottle is not effective unless you do it every 10 minutes.
Gravel or expanded clay can be another way out if you put it in a bowl of water that you put in a box or grow room. The water from the bowl will evaporate, increasing the humidity in the room.
Use ventilation in the box by blowing on the plants to create the right air circulation and influence the humidity.
Excessive fertilization can lead to dry ends. This happens, as is the case with tap water from salt burns.
Solution: Do not fertilize 3-4 waterings. Watch the plant.If the new leaves do not dry, then you can fertilize. If a white coating appears on the surface of the soil, remove it and replace it with new soil.